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P. 27
Gear Important Phrases
CAM | A spring-loaded metal device that can be fit into the BELAYER: BELAY ON! | The belayer is anchored in and has
cracks or holes in a rock wall, to which you can secure a the rope set up through their belay device. They calls this
section of rope. Pulling on the rope makes the springs press command to let the climber know they’re ready to belay.
outward with massive amounts of force and pressure, result-
CLIMBER: SLACK! | The climber needs extra rope in order
ing in a secure anchor point for your rope in case of a fall.
to make the first move or to take apart their belay anchor.
CARABINER | A metal oval-shaped loop with a spring-load-
ed snap opening used to connect a rope to other gear. BELAYER: HALFWAY! | The belayer lets the climber know
that they have half the rope’s length left to use.
QUICKDRAW | Nylon webbing with loops to fasten into
carabiners. CLIMBER: ON RAPPEL! | Lets people below know to get
out of the way of loose rock and to be ready to grab the end
PROTECTION | Refers to any items used to reduce risk
of the rope if necessary to stop the rappeller.
during climbing, including cams, bolts, nylon webbing, and
With these terms in mind, you’re ready to attend an orien-
tation and then begin your climbing hobby. Orientation is
important and is often a requirement, along with a signed
waiver, before climbing at many establishments. The men-
tal workout is just as important, and can be just as stimu-
lating, as the physical workout. Making sure you are safe
is paramount and the amount of preparation you do before
the climb can ensure both safety and a rewarding climb
experience. It will take practice before you get the hang of the entire Central Plains area. Aside from the climbing wall,
it, but rock climbing can help you reach new heights with the multiplex buildings are equipped with facilities and
your fitness. equipment such as a cardio area, weights area, indoor and
The Central Plains RecPlex in Southport has the largest outdoor running tracks, three outdoor baseball diamonds,
indoor climbing wall in Western Manitoba. At 30’ tall, it’s a soccer field, a nine-hole golf course, a five-lane/five-pin
the perfect place to test your strength, endurance and skill. bowling alley, two tennis courts, a walking path and a full-
Try bouldering (free climbing without equipment) or rope sized gymnasium.
climbing there and you’ll find many routes to choose from. It’s a perfect place to find a local fitness community that is
Beginner climbers will find it welcoming and informative, open to anyone who is looking to “have fun, get fit, and be
and seasoned climbers will be challenged – there are no healthy!”
boring routes to be found because as soon as you’ve mas- The Rock Climbing wall is open during regular gym hours.
tered one, you can plan a new beta to challenge you.
Interested in booking the Rock Climbing wall for your pri-
The RecPlex serves the students and military personnel vate business function or party? Visit our website at
stationed there, but it also serves as a gathering point for for details.
• full gym • track
• cardio • weights
• Manitoba’s largest
indoor climbing wall