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             On May 31, 2019 Southport was proud to announce      The demand for high quality pea protein, fiber and starch
             Roquette is joining their tight knit community as their   lead the company to begin construction of the world’s
             newest commercial tenant.                            largest pea protein production plant in Portage la Prairie,
                                                                  Manitoba. Pea proteins offer numerous benefits to farm-
             Roquette is a global leader in plant-based ingredients   ers, customers and consumers, and Roquette’s plant
             and a pioneer of new vegetal proteins to serve the food,   in Portage is expected to be operational by the end of
             nutrition and health markets. Globally, Roquette            2020. Roquette’s new plant will create 150 full-
             employs over 8,600 people in over 100                            time jobs and generate more than 300
             countries and they have more than 40                               jobs during construction.
             years of experience in plant protein
             research and production.                                           While the plant is constructed in
                                                                              Portage Roquette will lease Southport’s
             “We’re thrilled to welcome Roquette to                        16,000sq ft. Flightline Building for office
             Southport,” commented Peggy May, CEO of                  space and training. Their official move-in date is
             Southport. “They add a unique dimension to our growing   June 24, 2019. The addition of Roquette as a tenant at
             commercial tenant diversity which ranges from mili-  Southport adds to the diversity of our commercial tenant
             tary training to manufacturing and now to agriculture   base and brings 100 new people who will contribute to
             research and development.”                           the Southport community.

                                                 Roquette Group Key Figures

                                                       85                  100+                    300+

                                                  years of industrial     countries served     R & D Workforce
                                                   and operational         by ONE Global
                                                     excellence         Commercial Network

                                                     8600                 5000+                     45+

                                                      employees             customers             nationalities

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