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Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) Day                                      Program

        A Day in the Life of an AME employee                                         Overview:

        When you think about careers in aviation, the first
        option that may come to mind will likely be a pilot,

        but there are countless career opportunities in the
        aviation industry.

        This abundance of opportunity is why   up-close with engines and aircraft. The
        Southport has partnered with Red River   students rotate throughout 6 stations in
        College Stevenson Campus Southport to   the hangar and can even test their new
        provide a one-day eye opening experi-  knowledge and skills in one of the simu-
        ence for local Grade 8 students called   lators that showcase an everyday task of   •  Four nine-week terms
                                                                                        (1 term per year) 1232 hours
        Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Day (AME   an AME.                                of in-school training
                                             During the lunch break, students hear
                                                                                     •  6000 hours is monitored
        Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are   from guest speakers in the aviation        work experience
        aircraft mechanics that are licensed   industry which includes current students
        by Transport Canada to certify aircraft   and graduates of the AME program. AME   •  Spring and Fall entry dates
        maintenance. In Canada, only an AME   Day was first held in 2018, with contin-
        can sign a maintenance release for work   ued support from KF Aerospace, Cana-  •  Prepares students for
                                                                                        Transport Canada ‘M’
        performed on an aircraft. Southport has   dian Helicopters Ltd., and the Portage   License
        the only apprenticeship model program   la Prairie School Division. The first event
        that allows students to complete their   was such a success, that AME Day will   •  Meets accreditation with
        AME ‘M’ License.                     now be held annually.                      the Canadian Council for
                                                                                        Aviation and Aerospace
        On AME Day, 220 Grade 8 students from
        the Portage la Prairie School Division and
        Long Plain First Nation come to South-
        port for a day of hands on activities that
        showcase the career of an Aircraft Main-
        tenance Engineer. This day allows the
        students to experience a day as an AME.
        This day exposes kids to the occupation
        and to the fact that there are educational
        and employment opportunities available
        locally in Southport.

        As soon as students arrive in Southport
        on AME Day, they are handed a pair of
        safety glasses to wear for the day, and
        are taken into the Stevenson Aviation
                                                 Click here to visit the Red River
        hangar where they can see, feel and get
                                                 College program and course
                                                 catalog to learn more.
                                                                                                Southport: Reaching New Heights | 29
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