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Excellent customer service is paramount for every
        organization today because as consumers if we’re not
        happy we can either choose a different option, use the

        internet to broadcast our dissatisfaction or both! At
        Southport our team keeps a few tips top-of-mind when

        it comes to providing customer service.

        Our Top 6 Customer Service Tips

                  Resolve Problems Quickly
                  No one likes to deal with unpleasant tasks, but if you ignore or procrastinate about it, the problem will not likely resolve
                  itself, and can in fact escalate. Consider the problem carefully. Is it a problem in itself or could it be a symptom to a larger
                  problem? Then identify how you can prevent it from happening in the future. Discuss this with the client so they know
                  you’ve identified ‘it’ as a problem and you’re working on a solution. Then, ask them what their optimum solution would
                  be. Sometimes it is simpler than you imagined – plus, it makes no sense to offer them a piece of free pie if they don’t like
                  pie. If it’s within your power to give them what they want do it quickly. If not, negotiate an alternate solution until you’ve
                  resolved it to the best of your ability, as quickly as possible.
                  Don’t Take is Personally
                  When the customer is directing their frustration at you, it is easy to forget that the customer is angry about the situation, not
                  angry at you. Taking things personally just makes it harder to fix the problem, and can introduce anger into the situation.

                  Don’t Make Excuses
                  If something is your fault, own up to it. Don’t try to blame it on circumstances, the customer, or anything else. It makes a
                  difference if you say, “An error was made, but I will make it right.” Your customer will see you much differently if you don’t
                  make excuses.

                  Make the Customer a Priority
                  Give the customer your full attention when working with them to resolve a problem. Listen attentively and repeat back
                  your understanding of the problem so there is no miscommunication. Treat them with respect and show them their
                  concerns are a priority to you.

                  Document Problems and Solutions
                  Documenting problems and solutions is an important step that should not be missed. If for example you’re a restaurant
                  and someone complains the food tastes different than it did last time they ordered it could it be a change in cook, a
                  change in the process of cooking or maybe it’s because you changed dairy suppliers and the cream being used today
                  is different than it was last time they ordered. Documenting helps identify trends and the implementation of solutions or
                  process changes before a problem becomes a problem.

                  A follow-up with the customer provides closure for the organization and the client that the problem has been identified
                  and resolved or compensated for. Often it’s not the problem people remember in the end. It’s the solution to the problem
                  and how you made them feel through the process that they remember.

                                              *Special thanks to Community Futures Heartland for providing information for this article

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