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          Find out what a turkey is and more!

                                       BOWLING  TERMS

             Address: The position of the bowler just before     Perfect game: Maximum possible score of 450
             approaching the lane to bowl the ball.              achieved by throwing 12 consecutive strikes.

             Bagger: Term used for consecutive strikes (i.e. “four-  Pocket: Hitting the front pin dead center often results
             bagger,” “five-bagger,” and so on).                 in a “split” (see below). Therefore, the best place for a
                                                                 right-handed player to hit the pins is just to the right of
             Bed posts: A “split” (see below) consisting of the two
                                                                 the headpin, known as the “pocket.”
             outer pins.
                                                                 Spare: A two-ball knockdown of all pins in a frame.
             Double: Term for two consecutive strikes.
                                                                 Split: A difficult shot left on a second or third throw in
             Gutter-ball: A ball that goes into either gutter on each   which there is a gap between the remaining pins.
             side of the lane and scores 0 points.
                                                                 Strike: Knocking over all five pins on the first throw.
             Head pin: The #1 pin that is in the front position.
                                                                 Tap: A near perfect hit for a strike but one pin remains.
             Open frame: A turn in which the bowler fails to get a
             strike or spare.                                    Turkey: Three consecutive strikes.

            The Shoes                                            The Throw
              Though many may snicker at the fashion statement all   Like golf swings, entire books and video series can be
              bowling alleys enforce, bowling shoes are actually key   devoted to this subject – and the particulars also tend
              pieces of bowling equipment. The leather sole allows   to be slightly different from person to person. However,
              you to slide easily while making your throw, and the   a few of the main things to remember are:
              rubber heel lets you stop as your swing is completed.
                                                                      •  Have a smooth, consistent and relaxed throw,
            Sequence of Play                                            releasing at the bottom of the ‘swing’.

              A bowling game is divided up into ten frames. Each      •  Try to focus on aim at the arrows on the bowling
              player takes a turn bowling their frame, during which     lane, and not the pins themselves.
              they get three throws attempting to knock down all five   •  Stay behind the foul line! Breaking this rule gets
              pins.                                                     you a score of zero!

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