Page 9 - Reaching New Heights - Vol 6
P. 9

MARK            THE FUTURE OF                                                     According to consulting firm, Oliver

 CALENDARS!                                                                        Wyman, there will be a global gap of

                                                                                   34,000 pilots by 2025 – and be as high as
                                                                                   50,000 in an extreme scenario. Shortages
                                                                                   are predicted to be the most severe in
                                                                                   North America, Asia Pacific, and the
                                                                                   Middle East.
                 CAREERS IN CANADA
                                                                                   FLIGHT ATTENDANT
                                                                                   Given the current trends, retirement
            AIR TRANSPORTATION has                    CAREER EXAMPLES:             rate, and labour supply this appears to
            carried people and goods around the                                    be a fairly balanced labour market, with
                                                                                   demand meeting supply fairly consistently
            world since 1914. The experience has   AEROSPACE ENGINEER                               7
            evolved from a loud and uncomfortable                                  over the next 10 years.
            venture ‘enjoyed’ by few, to new standards   Aerospace engineers shape the future of   AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL
            in travel attainable by the masses. Air   aviation through creativity and technical
            transportation brings people together from   knowledge. We are expected to see slightly
            around the world, makes critical goods   higher than average employment growth
            and medicine available to remote areas   for aerospace engineers compared        DOLLARS IN TRAINING
            and it will always be an important part of   to other occupations.  This is partly
            globalization.                      because of the current shortage and   Air traffic control positions hold an
                                                future shortages from the pandemic   immense amount of responsibility and
               JANUARY 1
                                                recovery and retirement. Additionally, the   require the worker to be detailed oriented
                                                push for eco-friendly changes in aviation   and capable of complex problem solving.
                                                is a factor that demands aerospace   Due to the technical requirements of the
             FIRST PASSENGER                    engineers with new skills and focus.  job, advances in technology that improve
              FLIGHT TOOK OFF
             (St.Petersburg, FL)                                                   productivity may limit job prospects. On
                                                 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE
            This evolution is driven by people                                     the other hand, job prospects for air traffic
            working in and on aerospace and aviation   ENGINEER / AIRCRAFT         controller positions could see growth to
            technology, processes, and improvements.   MECHANIC                    address higher safety standards. Despite
            Not unlike most industries, people are a   Aircraft maintenance engineers are   the potential future concerns, there is
            critical foundational pillar of the aviation   critical for safe aviation. About 60%   expected to be shortage conditions
            and aerospace industry. From engineers to   (16,800) of the almost 28,000 job losses   until 2028.
 Y 6 & 7
 JUL  ,     mechanics, to front-line workers, like ticket   at the beginning of the pandemic were   There are many jobs in the aviation
 JULY 6 & 7,
            agents and flight attendants.
                                                                                   industry that provide fulfilling and viable
                                                attributed to Maintenance, Repair
                                                                                   careers, for example, airport security,
                                                and Overhaul (MRO).  This has left a
 2024                  The pandemic threw the   significant hole to fill, one that makes it a   aviation related administrative jobs,
                                                                                   flight training school instructors, etc.
                                                great career opportunity. Not only does
                       spotlight on the travel and   the rising flight demand drive up demand   The government is supporting careers
                                                                                   in aviation by providing over 39 million
                                                for these positions, but the increasing
                       transportation industries   capabilities of aircraft software and aging   dollars to the Canadian council for
                       because it was one of the   aircrafts do as well.  5        aviation and aerospace in 2022. This
 Celebrating the 100  Anniversary of the   hardest hit and came to a   PILOTS AND CO-PILOTS  money is helping people get careers
                       literal standstill for months.
                                                                                   in aviation by funding training and
 Royal Canadian Air Force!   But we’re rebounding at a   A pilot shortage has been forthcoming   certification programs.  This support,
                       rate far faster than has ever
                       been seen in this industry.   for years in Canada due to an aging   the projected market trends, and the need
                                                                                   for global connection ensures aviation
                       Since the world opened-  workforce, pandemic layoffs, early   will continue to be an exceptional career
 Join fans and performers from across the   up we’ve realized 10 to 20   retirements and high training costs.   path. And if you’re looking beyond global
                       years of gradual growth
 nation at the next Manitoba Airshow! This   STAY TUNED FOR   in half the time.  Canada   travel to commercialization of space travel
                                                                                   you may not have to wait a 100 years
 family-friendly event will feature aerial   is estimated to need                  as technology continues to move at an
 performances, ground-level entertainment   EVENT DETAILS!  58,000 additional employees in key skilled   GLOBAL SHORTAGE    increasingly faster pace every year.
            occupations in the aviation and aerospace
 and more!  industry by 2028.                            OF PILOTS BY 2025
            ¹   |    2
            and-job-seekers-in-the-aerospace-sector.html   |    3   |    4   |    5
            6   |    7   |    8   |    9   https://www.
 8  |  Southport: Reaching New Heightsw  204.428.6030  9  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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