Page 4 - Reaching New Heights - Vol 6
P. 4

The community of Southport continues to expand &
                                                  Q   develop – what excites you most about the future of

                                                      Showing substantial growth in the coming years is exciting to
            Q                                     Q   increasing our economic impact even more. It is exciting to be
                                                      me. We will see significant staff growth and new developments,
                                                      offering new opportunities for the region.

                                                      As a CEO, what do you attribute your success to?

                &      A                              The people who work with me, support me, who are on my
                                                      team, have all contributed to where I am today. I have been
                                                      fortunate to find good people who fit – those who work to be
                                                      the best they can be, while building and growing relationships.
                                                      I have always tried to do my best at whatever was in front of
                                                      me and to make a difference; every day there is a new learning
        WITH PEGGY MAY                                opportunity. Most importantly, I have conducted myself with
                                                      honesty and integrity throughout my career.
        Southport Aerospace Centre is
        honoured to be led by Peggy May,          Q   As Southport’s CEO, what is one of your fondest memory from

        the Chief Executive Officer since             the last 10 years?                                                                        Over 50% of employees at Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. identify as female.
        2013. As CEO, Peggy is focused                There are lots of those! Noting the legacy moments, reflecting
        on maintaining and growing the                on the history, and how proud we should be that Southport has

        economic impact that Southport                come such a long way since the government turned over the
        makes in the region.                          assets in 1992.The 25th anniversary celebration stands out to
                                                  A   me, it was an amazing event, unveiling the Tutor jet as the Gate
                                                      Guardian, having the military participation with the Snowbirds
                                                      flying overhead. I also fondly recall building the new daycare
                                                      on-site, not only to support our military partner, but also the
                                                      people who work and live at Southport.

                                                      Much has been accomplished at Southport within the past 10
                                                  Q   years – what do the next 10 years look like for the

                                                      Growth and innovation will be apparent throughout the next
                                                      10 years. There will be airfield developments, new commercial
                                                      properties, and advancements in the education and training                        Contributing to the current and future success of Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. are female
                                                      facilities on-site.                                                                Board of Director members Roberta Christianson, Carey Duncan, and Julene Toews Dewis.

     4  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                                                                                                                                      5  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
     4  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                5  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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