Page 6 - Reaching New Heights - Vol 6
P. 6

LEADING THE WAY TO                                                                                                           S outhp        or    t  Enhance            s  C  ommunit            y

                                                                                                                                  Southport Enhances Community

     A GREENER FUTURE                                                                                                             Aesthetics with New Business
                                                                                                                                                          with New

                                                                                                                                    What do you get when you combine an airport community,
                                                                                                                                    a state-of-the-art accommodation facility, and a first-class
     TAKING ACTION,  Southport became the first ‘Climate Smart’ certified organization in Manitoba in 2019. This accreditation      aesthetics business? You get a destination wellness centre
     identifies Southport as a leading organization that is tracking and taking action to reduce its carbon footprint and greenhouse gas   that will intrigue people from near and far!
                                                                                                                                    APEX AESTHETICS opened its doors in Southport in
     Reflecting on Southport’s values, there is a commitment to being trailblazing leaders and providing opportunities for development   February 2023. The business, located on the community’s
     and advancement for their customers and community. With a focus on carbon avoidance, driving green initiatives, such as the    main drag, Centennaire Drive, captures your attention with
     implementation of EV Charging Stations, will further reduce emissions throughout the site and support Southport’s Climate Smart   an avant-garde exterior featuring black and gold accents.
                                                                                                                                    As a result of two visionary entrepreneurs along with a phenomenal project
     Southport proudly maintains this status with a dedicated team that tracks and manages our goals. The following 2022 highlights   management team and a supportive community, Apex Aesthetics has firmly
     are attributed to Southport’s Climate Smart certification.                                                                     planted its roots in Southport.
                                                                THE DEMOLITION of the                                                                                   The goal of Apex Aesthetics is to beautify women and men while ensuring
                                                                Warehouse Building, saw                                                                                 their health and wellness needs are met and, beyond that, exceeded. With
     TREE  planting  took  place  in the                                                                                                                                a team of carefully handpicked professionals, Apex Aesthetics is proud to
     summer months, with          LEADING  in  the  development  of  96%                                                                                                provide:
     105                          FOUR                          RECYCLABLE MATERIAL          DRIVING green initiatives saw the                                          •   World class InMode technology for minimally invasive aesthetics
                                  new builds, Southport added
                                                                                                                                                                           Women’s health treatments that mimic surgical results
                                                                                             installation of
                                                                                                                                                                           Injectable neuromodulators and fillers
     TREES PLANTED                                              diverted from the landfill to further  TWO                                                              •   Medical grade skincare
                                                                                                                                                                           AND MORE!
                                                                reduce Southport’s carbon footprint
                                                                                                                                                                        a competitive edge in the Central Plains Region by offering one-of-a-kind
     After  growing  for  10  years,  these   CERTIFIED ENERGY   and greenhouse gas emissions.                                                                          Located just minutes from Southport Airport CYPG, Apex Aesthetics boasts
     trees will have offset over 20 tonnes   EFFICIENT HOMES                                 EV CHARGING STATIONS                                                       services and experiences that people from across the country will travel to
     of carbon.                                                                                                                                                         receive.
                                  by Efficiency Manitoba, through their
                                                                                             at  Barker  Suites  and  Central  Plains
                                  New  Homes  Program. These  homes                                                                 Welcome to the expanding community of Southport, Apex Aesthetics! We are thrilled to have you and excited for
                                                                                             RecPlex. In the two months following
                                  are certified as 20% more energy                                                                  what the future holds!
                                                                                             the installation, Southport saw 1.45
                                                                                             tonnes of CO  equivalent emissions
                                                                                             avoided. These carbon reductions
                                                                                             will further promote green living in

                                                                                                                                     Seasoned entrepreneurs, Rhonda and Chris McCallister (centre), along with their skilled team,
                                                                                                                                     are bringing upscale, boutique services and treatments to the Central Plains Region.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                7  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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