Page 12 - Reaching New Heights - Vol 6
P. 12


   “Picklers” OVER


       PICKLEBALL is fun, social, and friendly! The rules are simple, and the game is easy
       for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game. In the past
       few years, Pickleball has vastly become a worldwide phenomenon.
       So what is the big DILL?                                                                                                       2022 HIGHLIGHTS

       Pickleball is a hybrid sport derived from badminton, ping pong, and tennis. The popular
       sport can be learned in just a few lessons, and players can find tournaments at varying
       competitive levels. An incredibly social sport, Pickleball provides many with an outlet                                            5000    DONATED
       to make new friends of all ages. A sport dominated by the boomer generation, it’s
       popularity with younger players has been steadily increasing.
                                                                                                                                      TO SOUTHPORT’S ENDOWMENT
       At Central Plains RecPlex, the Portage Pickleball Club occupies the gymnasium with their                                       FUND THROUGH THE COMMUNITY
       fast-growing club on a weekly basis during the winter months.                                                                  FOUNDATION OF PORTAGE & DISTRICT.

                                                                                                                                                          IN THE
                                                                                                                                      PARTICIPANTS INAUGURAL
                                            How can people become involved?
                            Q Q                      Just on the website, or come and see us, we   I would like to add that working with Southport is
                                                                                    nice to have first-name basis communication with
                                            let people try the sport a couple of times free of
                              & & A A       charge. We have paddles available for everybody,   staff rather than someone you may not know on
                                            they just come on down and enjoy themselves,
                                                                                    the phone. If there is an issue, you know who to

     CLUB MEMBERS AND PICKLEBALL            about 90% of them end up signing up!    contact so it’s easy to resolve.
                                                     Our website is part of Pickleball Manitoba   There was no hesitation from Southport to
     ENTHUSIASTS, JIM LESLIE AND SUE DAVIDSON,   which is part of Pickleball Canada. You can find   support our club!
     SHARE THEIR PASSION FOR THE SPORT.     our website by searching Portage Pickleball Club
                                            or by visiting Pickleball Manitoba and you’ll be            This is actually the best indoor facility that
     What motivated you to start playing Pickleball?                                there is in this area, for us it’s the perfect fit!
                                            able to find our club within that, along with our                                                                                                                    JOIN THE FUN IN 2023!
              I’ve been playing Pickleball for the past four   play times.          The lines are already down, high ceilings, great
                                                                                    lighting, and lots of space compared to other
     years. It was to do something, I’ve played hockey,   Why do you like playing in Southport?  indoor facilities like school gymnasiums.
     but this is far more comfortable. It is easier and                                                                                                                                                      AUGUST 26                  TH
     great exercise; the exercise was the main reason I            It works for us! We only have summer   The availability of the facility when we need it is
     started the sport.                     courts available on the Island and there is really   great! We have people who play in the morning
              It’s hard to remember because of the   no other place we can play in the area. It’s close   and people who play in the evening and the                                                            SOUTHPORT AIRPORT
                                                                                    facility has always been able to accommodate for
                                            to Portage, it’s close to everybody! People come
     pandemic, it all became a blur. I think I’ve been   from different areas, South of Oakville, Elie,   our club.                                                                                                             & COMMUNITY
     playing for about five to six years at this stage. My   anywhere from half an hour for anybody to come,
     Dad was playing tennis up at Grand Beach, and   but for most it’s 15 minutes, so what better place   We appreciate that Southport contributed to                                                                    ALL PROCEEDS
     he said there this new game called Pickleball and   is there!                  our outdoor courts on the island through a
     you should try it! I told him no, that sounds silly,                           sponsorship to further support our club!                                                                                       TO SOUTHPORT’S ENDOWMENT
     so I resisted for about a year. He then organized                                                                                                                                                                     FUND THROUGH THE
     a chance to play with one of his friends, who was                                                                                                                                                              COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF
     also a tennis player, and I was hooked!      Follow Portage Pickleball Club on Facebook or email them for more information!                                                                                           PORTAGE & DISTRICT.

     12  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
     12  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                                                                                                                                    13  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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