Page 16 - Reaching New Heights - Volume 5
P. 16


                                                                                                                                                               Q   What type of classrooms do you have?

                                                                                                                                                               A   We have 4 modern classrooms, several customized training shops, and amazing hangar
           &                                                                                                                                                  program including the local amenities available, which also support our students. We are very proud
                                                                                                                                                              space available for our training programs. The space is perfect for what we do and Southport’s
                                                                                                                                                              supporting amenities (Mynarski House residence, Central Plains RecPlex gym, etc.) help support our
                                                                                                                                                              students. We are very happy with all the support we receive.

                                                                                                                                                                   How has the Southport and Red River College partnership evolved over recent years?

                                                                                                                                                                   We greatly appreciate everything that Southport has to offer us and our unique training

                                                                                                                                                              of our close relationship with Southport and the partnerships we have developed over our many years
                                                                                                                                                              of operations.


                                                                                                                                                               A   What makes the Red River College AMJ Apprenticeship Program unique?
                                                                                                                                                                   My understanding is that AMJ is the only program of its kind in Canada where the program
                                                                                                                                                              supports aviation businesses and their newly on-boarded individuals entering the aviation industry.
        NEIL LAVOIE - RRC STEVENSON CAMPUS                                                                                                                    The program helps develop, support, and lead these new workers down a path into an exciting
                                                                                                                                                              career. Apprenticeship programs in aviation are extremely rare and provide the opportunity to allow
        Red River College - Stevenson Campus has                                                                                                              apprentices to “earn while they learn”.
        been a longstanding tenant at Southport
        and operates its Aircraft Maintenance
        Journeyperson (AMJ) Program out of                                                                                                                      “   AMJ is the only program of its kind in Canada ...
        Hangar 4. Their 2,200 m  campus is                                                                                                                        the space is perfect for what we do and Southport’s
        well-equipped with a wide selection of                                                                                                                      supporting amenities help support our students.                ”
        training aircraft, repair shops and classrooms.        Q    Can you explain the Red River College AMJ
                                                              Apprenticeship Program?
        Neil Lavoie is the current Program Chair at
        Red River College - Stevenson Campus and               A    The Aircraft Maintenance Journeyperson (AMJ) Program           Q    Tell us about the students that attend the program. Where do
        has been with the college for more than 23            is an apprenticeship style/work-based post-secondary training        they come from and are they already employed? What is the average
                                                              program recognized by Transport Canada as an approved aircraft
        years. Lavoie has skills and experience in            maintenance training program, which also leads to a Manitoba         class size?
        Aircraft Maintenance, Commercial Aviation             Apprenticeship “Certificate of Qualification” in the skilled trade of   A  Students attend AMJ from across the nation (Coast to Coast to Coast).
        Operations and Business Management.                   Aircraft Maintenance. Like many other trade programs, it takes       Generally, all of the AMJ participants are already employed before attending
                                                              approximately 4 years to complete and it combines paid-on-the-job
                                                              training with technical training in the classroom.                   training and the normal class size is approximately 12 students.

                                                               Q    What makes becoming an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer           Q    What does the AME workforce landscape look like? Is there

                                                              (AME) rewarding?                                                     a need?
                                                               A    Often the maintenance side of aviation tends to be              A   Before the on-going pandemic there was a looming national shortage

                                                              overshadowed by the pilot/aircrew side of the industry, however,     of experienced AME’s available to the aviation community. Today the current
                                                              AMEs tend to be incredibly versatile in their role where they        aviation marketplace looks quite different and although many air cargo, air
                                                              utilize their transferable technical skills and apply the sum of their   charter, flight training, and aerial work operations appear to remain steady and
                                                              knowledge in a variety of tasks. I can only speak for myself,        on-going, the larger and medium-sized air carriers (airlines) currently appear
                                                              but in combination with an appreciation for the aviation industry.   restricted in their operations, which has resulted in a slowing effect on the
                                                              I feel that becoming an AME is a very responsible career where       current aviation job market. Alternatively, AME’s are still out there doing their
                                                              individuals can have an opportunity to push themselves to build      part to keep the aviation world safely moving ahead and we look forward to
                                                              knowledge, new skills, and face new challenges – and there is        a post-pandemic environment with a returning long-term increase in aviation
                                                              always a sense of pride/accomplishment whenever you see your         traffic where the aviation job market will quickly recover and AME’s will once
                                                              work has resulted in another successful flight of an aircraft you    again be in very high demand.
                                                              were involved with.
        16   Southport: Reaching New Heights
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