Page 12 - Reaching New Heights - Volume 5
P. 12

CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
                 CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility

                            What It Is & Why We Do It
                            What It Is & Why We Do It

         O  ver the past few years, business   the call. Several donations were made   in-kind and cash donations, sponsorships,

            leaders worldwide have realized the
                                              donation of six iPads to Portage Service
            increasing importance of corporate social   to local not-for-profits, including a   scholarships, and community
                                                                                 partnerships. Southport and its staff also
            responsibility (CSR). Organizations are   for Seniors, allowing local seniors to   support a wide variety of community
            increasingly considering their activities   stay connected with loved ones while   functions every year including sponsoring
            within the framework of CSR, which   remaining apart.                programs, volunteerism and being visible
            is driven by factors including ethical,   Donations are ongoing and Southport is   and involved in local events
            environmental and social concerns.   pleased to support the community through   and celebrations.
            At Southport, CSR is a commitment to   its commitment to philanthropy. Southport   Southport is proud to partner with
            philanthropy, in an effort to support the   is devoted to helping local businesses and   local organizations that give back to
            community and region as a whole.
                                              not-for-profit organizations continue to   the community, including its two main
            By voluntarily integrating CSR within   overcome the challenges they have been   partners, Community Foundation of
            business operations and interactions   presented with, not only through monetary   Portage and District (CFPD) and United
            with internal and external stakeholders,   donations, but also with the provision of a   Way Central Plains.
            organizations can demonstrate a positive   business incubator program.  Southport supports the CFPD through its
            force for change. With the COVID-19   What is a business incubator? A business   Endowment Fund that currently exceeds
            pandemic, the economic realities facing   incubator program acts as a catalyst for   $38,000 and continues to grow through
            businesses, such as Southport, put them   business growth through the provision of   annual contributions.
            to the test. Would CSR remain a priority,   various supports. Southport’s program
            or temporarily take a back seat?                                     Southport’s partnership with United Way
                                              provides subsidized office space,   Central Plains includes participation in
            Southport Steps Up                shared-use facilities and resources such   an annual payroll deduction donation
                                              as office supplies and equipment. With
            Southport stepped up to the challenge   these supports and tools, the goal is   campaign where all funds donated by staff
            and brought forth increased CSR   for businesses to grow and overcome   are matched by Southport. This initiative
            efforts. As the pandemic progressed,   obstacles that are limiting   sees great involvement from staff, often
            Southport recognized the impact on   their development.              exceeding $10,000 annually.
            local businesses and not-for-profit                                  When it comes to the environment,
            organizations whose operations were   Why We Do It                   Southport works to establish
            hindered by capacity and hour reductions   Establishing a sense of community   long-term policies and procedures
            and closures in compliance with Public   and supporting local businesses,   aimed at preserving and enhancing
            Health Orders.                                                       the quality of the environment through
                                              especially during this challenging time,
            When local not-for-profit organizations,   is a commitment that Southport proudly   its commitment to environmental
            whose operations depend on annual   upholds. Along with this commitment,   stewardship and certification as a
            fundraising initiatives, reached out to the   Southport dedicates 1% of all annual   Climate Smart organization.  Events
            community for help, Southport answered   revenue to CSR through community
                                              involvement, environmental stewardship,

        In-Kind Donations

                                 Community Partnerships

    Sponsorships                                                                                          Environmental Stewardship

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