Page 19 - Reaching New Heights - Volume 5
P. 19

WHAT DO                                              Southport, Hollywood

                                                              & Carbon Emissions

                HAVE IN COMMON?

            Recently, Southport Aerospace Centre   SO JUST WHAT MAKES
            Inc. managed a $2.4 million investment   THIS SPACE “PICTURE
            to diversify the airport grounds
            and operations, contributing to the   PERFECT” ANYWAY?
            economic development in our region.   As aircraft enthusiasts and professionals
            One of the major outcomes of the   know, size does matter so the building
            investment was the construction of a new   is outfitted with a 90-ft wide, 28-ft high
            13,600 ft  commercial hangar. After a   door. And while being in the movies is
            groundbreaking ceremony in April 2019,   exciting, being on Access Hollywood
            the build took nine months to complete   isn’t the focus here – access to anti-icing,
            and on January 22, 2020, Southport   fuelling and towing capabilities are much
            marked the grand opening of Hangar 5.  more important. Access to not one,   Air traffic control services are available
            Southport Airport (Portage/Southport   not two or even three, but four active   during regular business hours and for a
                                                                                  minimum call-out charge for services on
            CYPG) is a Transport Canada certified   runways is always a notable perk.  evenings and weekends.
            airport with an air traffic control tower.   The hangar is certified as a Climate Smart
            The Southport Airport is a 24/7 public   building and its net carbon emissions   There could be another reason why the
            use facility with four well maintained   are minimal. The cutting edge carbon   film crew had Hangar 5 on their radar.
            runways, large apron with helipad,   avoidance design means the building’s   The surrounding Southport community
            multiple navigational guidance systems,   internal atmosphere remains fresh and   is tailor-made for large or small-scale
            and runway lighting.               environmental technology controls the   aerospace endeavours, from commercial
            In fact, the allure of the building recently   inner air temperature and quality to the   ventures or recreation flight activity.
            caught the eye of Hallmark movie   highest standard. Using electric in-floor   Southport is just five minutes from Portage
            producers, who used the building as an   heat, the building emits 0.4 tonnes of   la Prairie and 60 minutes from Winnipeg.
            on-site film location for the major motion   carbon emissions per year, instead of   Car rental services, restaurants and catering
            picture “A Winter Getaway” starring   using conventional methods, which would   are a phone call away and if you’re looking
            Nazneen Contractor and Brooks Darnell.   require 60 tonnes of carbon per year.  for a quick run or round of golf on your
            Released in January 2021, the Hallmark   The spectacularly designed heating   layover they’ve got you covered with the
            movie highlighted Hangar 5 and its   system enables Southport to offer up   Southport Golf Club and the on-site fitness
            capabilities, showcasing its amenities in a   perhaps the most coveted feature of all:   facility, Central Plains RecPlex, nearby.
            scene which took place in and around the   heated winter storage, which is music   For any overnight stays, Southport boasts
            hangar and included specialty vehicles   to every Canadian aircraft owner’s ears.   two accommodation buildings with over 84
            such as a private jet, helicopter, and a   Hangar 5 protects machines from the   rooms and executive style suites available
            limousine.                         effect of extreme freezing.        by the day or month. Features include, a
                                                                                  common lounge on the main floor with
                                                                                  a group kitchen area and patio, as well as
                                                                                  smaller meeting rooms on the upper floors,
                                                                                  which are perfect for group functions.
                                                                                  But of course, the superb and versatile
                                                                                  accommodations are the supporting cast for
                                                                                  the star of the show.
                                                                                  Hangar 5 is currently available for short
                                                                                  or long-term storage with flexible leasing
                                                                                  rates and a professional team of Property
                                                                                  Managers who understand what businesses
                                                                                  need to succeed.

                                                                                   Southport: Reaching New Heights  19
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