Page 9 - Portage la Prairie Region Investment Profile - 2023
P. 9

MANITOBA                                          MANITOBA’S PRODUCTION STATISTICS
            Agricultural food and manufacturing are           Manitoba produces a diversity of commodities
            key to Manitoba’s economy                         that are key to further processing:

            •   We produce $4.5 billion in processed foods    •   about 6% of Canada’s barley and about
               annually – about 24% of our total manufacturing    15% of Canada’s wheat
               output. We export $2.7 billion annually.       •   about 15% of Canada’s canola and
            •   We continue to lead Canada in agricultural        7% of Canada’s flax seed
               manufacturing and grain handling & storage     •   about 22% of Canada’s oats
               exports – exporting to over 50 countries.
                                                              •   virtually 100% of Canada’s sunflower seeds
            •   We have a vibrant food processing sector with
               over 470 provincially-inspected facilities and    •   about 29% of Canada’s soybeans
               over 130 federally-inspected facilities.       •   about 12% of Canada’s beef cows
                                                              •   over 28% of Canada’s sows
                                                              •   over 120 variety of vegetables

                                                              Manitoba also supports:
                                                              •   major crops of corn, mustard seed, hemp,
                                                                  buckwheat, canary seed and pulses
                                                              •   a dairy industry with major genetic exports
                                                                  throughout the world

                                                                                                                     YOUR SUCCESS IS ROOTED IN OUR SOIL

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