Page 7 - Portage la Prairie Region Investment Profile - 2023
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                evelopment of a skilled workforce is another area where Portage la Prairie demonstrates
           Dits strength. Both through an enhanced focus on trades development in secondary school
            as well as a slate of post-secondary programs offered locally, the needs of industry both today
            and into the future are being considered.

            Red River College                                   Portage Learning & Literacy Centre
            Headquartered in Winnipeg, Red River College has    Addressing the education needs of both newcomers
            a campus in the City of Portage la Prairie. Under the   to Canada as well as to those adults in the community
            direction of Regional Campus Manager, Guy Moffat,   looking to upgrade their skills in order to secure
            the school strives to be responsive to the needs of   meaningful employment, the Portage Learning &
            local industry. An example of this is the upcoming   Literacy Centre is working with a focus to ensure
            introduction of a Certificate in Value-Added Food   that everyone that completes their program will find
            Manufacturing program slated for introduction in the   gainful employment. Their offerings include English
            near future. Additionally, the College offers a platform   as a Second Language training, high school diploma
            for standard and customized corporate to address    completion as well as workplace soft skills
            the training needs of local business and industry.  development to prepare their students for
                                                                any workplace environment.
            Assiniboine Community College                       Portage Collegiate Institute
            Brandon’s Assiniboine Community College has
            teaching space in Portage la Prairie, housed in the   Career Development Program: Beginning in Grade
                                                                nine, the high school education promotes a greater
            Southport airport and commercial properties just    understanding of student skills and interests to allow
            three kilometres South of the City. Currently focused   for a customized education in their final three years
            on nurse education, ACC has a particular agriculture   that directs a student down their desired career path.
            focus in its offerings on their main Campus in Brandon   This includes an extensive slate of skilled trades
            which could be explored for workforce needs.        programs to ensure a strong resource of these skills
                                                                in the future. Through the curriculum, the school has
                                                                partnered with local industry to provide on-the-job
                                                                apprenticeship opportunities with local employers
                                                                to ensure that incoming workers to the labour pool
                                                                are fully aware of the opportunities to ply their
                                                                trade in this market.

                                                                NEW INITIATIVE: Edge Factor
                                                                Beginning in 2018, Portage Regional Economic
                                                                Development is partnering with area high schools
                                                                and the Portage Learning & Literacy Centre to sponsor
                                                                EdgeFactor – a video platform that helps to illustrate
                                                                the career possibilities for students of all interests –
                                                                with a specific emphasis on the present and future
                                                                needs in manufacturing and the importance of STEM
                                                                (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)
                                                                courses in school. This three year investment in a pilot
                                                                program is intended to ensure a better prepared entry   YOUR SUCCESS IS ROOTED IN OUR SOIL
                                                                level workforce for industry.
                                                                A secondary component of this platform allows
                                                                businesses to plug in to promote the slate of careers
                                                                available and pro-actively identify the qualifications
                                                                required for future hires.

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