Page 12 - Portage la Prairie Region Investment Profile - 2023
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                   Manitoba offers exciting opportunities and clear advantages
                   in the agriculture sector:

                   •   The Manitoba Agri-Health Research Network   •   The Richardson Centre for Functional
                       supports innovative global research,          Foods and Nutraceuticals studies
                       development and commercialization             bio-active compounds in prairie crops
                       of agriculture products for health.           and how they affect human health.

                   •   The Food Development Centre is a world     •   The Composites Innovation Centre helps
                       class, federally licensed, research and       companies commercialize natural fibre
                       development centre. It provides state-of-the-  composite products.
                       art resources and expertise to clients who   •   The Canadian International Grains
                       are developing and producing innovative       Institute offers clients technical expertise
                       food products for local and global markets.   in milling, baking and processing grains,

                   •   The Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research    oilseeds, pulses and special crops.
                       in Health and Medicine studies the health
                       benefits of nutraceuticals, natural health
                       products and functional foods.

                          Canada vs. U.S.                                       Provincial Health Premiums

                          Canada’s labour costs are the lowest among the
       PORTAGE L A PR AIRIE, MANITOBA , CANADA  Canada benefit from total labour costs that are   BRITISH COLUMBIA
                                                                                $528 – $1,056 / year
                          G7 countries. With competitive salary levels and
                          lower health care costs, companies based in
                                                                                $684 – $1,368 / year
                          31.2% lower than equivalent costs in the U.S.
                          Progressive reductions in both federal and
                                                                                $300 – $900 / year
                          provincial taxes creates a significant advantage
                          for companies operating in Canada. According to
                                                                                $0 / year
                          KPMG, the effective income tax rate in Canada is
                          17.9%, or 11.9 percentage points below that of the U.S.

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