Page 10 - Portage la Prairie Region Investment Profile - 2023
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                      ood manufacturing is a leading employer in
                   FPortage la Prairie. Recent investment indicates
                   that this number is growing. Among the food
                   production staged locally includes:

                   Can-Oat Milling (Richardson-Pioneer)             Simplot

                   Portage la Prairie is home to one of three       Located just west of the City on the Trans-Canada
                   strategically placed Richardson Milling sites in   Highway, Simplot’s Portage la Prairie facility
                   western Canada and boasts the most extensive     ships more than 300 Million pounds of frozen
                   oat supply in North America. Their production    french fries and specialty potato products each
                   includes granola clusters, toasted coated grains,   year to vendors across the continent. Simplot
                   oat bran, whole oat flour, and more.             has made its home here since 2003 and serves
                                                                    the restaurant industry across Canada and many
                   McCain                                           regions of the United States. Locally, Simplot
                   With an international presence, employing more   employs 260.
                   than 20,000 globally and generating in excess
                   of $9 Million annually in sales, McCain has been    Roquette
                   a fixture of Portage la Prairie since 1980. The local   Announced in January 2017, construction has
                   plant produces french fries – a staple of McCain’s   begun on the $400 Million Phase One of a five
                   product line. In fact, the company produces so   phase pea protein processing facility – slated
                   many fries per year that it is estimated than one    to be the largest of its kind in the world. The plant
                   in three fries in the world are produced under the   will create 150 ongoing positions upon the start
                   McCain brand. The local plant employs 350.       of production in the Spring of 2019 when it will
       PORTAGE L A PR AIRIE, MANITOBA , CANADA  Nutri-Pea has been promoting the benefits of   Other Food Production Locally:
                                                                    begin processing 125 thousand tonnes of
                   Nutri-Pea Limited
                                                                    yellow peas per year.

                   yellow peas as an ingredient in a wide variety
                   of health food products since it opened in Portage
                                                                    •  Best Cooking Pulses
                   la Prairie in 1997. Their products are exported not
                                                                    •  Better Hemp Company
                   only to the United States but also to Brazil and
                                                                    •  Canadian Prairie Garden Purees
                   Mexico. Operating with a local team of 30, the
                                                                    •  Prairie Quinoa
                   reach of their business spans internationally.

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