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              Going Green

             Southport is proud to announce that we are the first ‘Climate Smart Certified’ business in Manitoba. With this certification,
             we are now identified as a leading organization that is tracking and taking action to reduce our carbon footprint and
             greenhouse gas emissions. Through their specialized training program, Climate Smart provides businesses and not-for-
             profit organizations with the tools and knowledge to measure and reduce their carbon footprints, and take on greenhouse
             gas emissions management in-house. Some of Southport’s current Climate Smart initiatives include office recycling,
             reusing building materials whenever possible, planting trees, investing in a large cardboard recycling bin, and focusing
             new projects on being 100% electrical. Manitoba Hydro electricity is 98 percent carbon neutral. By incorporating electrical
             heating into new construction projects, our carbon footprint is substantially reduced.

           Hangar 5

           Southport’s new 13,600sq foot hangar will feature elec-
           tric boiler in-floor radiant heat. This carbon avoidance
           design produces only 0.4 tonnes of carbon annually.
           If this hangar were to have used gas fired heating
           instead, it would have created 62.4 tonnes of
           carbon annually.

           Planting Trees

           In 2018, 110 saplings were planted in the

           Southport community. Throughout 2019, approx-
           imately 170 additional trees and saplings will be plant-
           ed on site. After growing for 10 years, these trees will
           have offset 27 tonnes of carbon. This is equal to one year
           worth of carbon output for four natural gas heated homes.

           Centennaire South Development

           Southport’s Centennaire South duplex units are heated
           with electricity and only create 0.1 tonnes of carbon
           per unit annually. If these units were built with gas
           heating instead, each unit would have produced
           5.56 tonnes of carbon anually.

        What does 1 tonne          2,445 miles driven by an                          40.9 propane cylinders
        of carbon look like?       average passenger vehicle                         used for home barbeques
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