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The History of Southport’s Gate Guard

             Southport revealed its gate guardian on, April 29, 2017   The aircraft is painted gold, red, and blue, paying tribute
             to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Southport Aerospace   to the Royal Canadian Air Force aerobatic flying team,
             Centre Inc. and the 50th anniversary of the Golden   the Golden Centennaires. The Golden Centennaire
             Centennaire.                                        flying group was a flight team assembled for Canada’s
                                                                 Centennial Celebrations in 1967. The Centennaires
             As noted in Wikipedia, “a gate guardian or gate guard is a
                                                                 called Southport home from September 1, 1966 until
             withdrawn piece of equipment, often an aircraft, armoured
                                                                 their disbandment on January 12, 1968. During that time
             vehicle, artillery piece or locomotive, mounted on a
                                                                 they performed 103 shows in Canada, including the
             plinth and used as a static display near to and forming
                                                                 opening and closing ceremonies of Expo 67 in Montreal,
             a symbolic display of ‘guarding’ the main entrance to a
                                                                 seven shows in the United States and two shows in the
             site, especially a military base. Commonly gate guardians
             outside airbases are decommissioned examples of aircraft
             that were once based there, or still are.”          And now you know... The CT-114 Tutor, located directly
                                                                 behind the digital ‘Welcome to Southport’ sign, guards
             Appropriately, the gate guardian chosen for Southport
                                                                 the community and proudly greets visitors 24/7/365!
             was the CT-114 Tutor aircraft. This impressive airplane
             was used to train pilots at CFB Portage la Prairie (now
             Southport). The gate guardian represents a legacy of
             more than 75 years of military flight training at Southport.

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