Page 15 - Reaching-New-Heights-magazine-2019
P. 15

          NEW RULES FOR


          Transport Canada has issued new rules governing RPAS (Remotely Piloted

          Aircraft System) use in Canadian skies — effective June 1st, 2019

          This article highlights a few of the principle
          changes coming into effect. For complete                   Additional upcoming changes include:
          info on flying your RPAS legally, RPAS
          registration and RPAS pilot certification, be                 You must only fly RPASs that are marked and
          sure to visit:                                                registered. Individuals flying an unmarked or
                                                                        unregistered RPAS face a fine of $1,000, while
                                    corporations may be fined $5,000.

                                                                        Flying over an advertised event is prohibited
          The primary change centres around the need for one of two     without a Special Flight Operations Certificate.
          Pilot Certificates in order to operate all RPASs between 250   Visit for details.
          grams and 25 kilograms.
                                                                        Not all of the new rules are more restrictive. For
          In order to obtain one of the new certificates, you must pass   instance, the maximum altitude you may fly your
          an online exam and in the case of the Advanced Operations     RPAS has risen from 90 metres (300 feet) to 122
          Certificate; an in-person flight review.                      metres (400 feet).

          Each Certificate is categorized by simple parameters:

          Basic Operations Certificate                             Advanced Operations Certificate
                           You fly your RPAS                                                        You fly your RPAS
                           at least 30m from                                                         within 30m of or
                              bystanders                                                             over bystanders

                                        You fly your RPAS in                                    You fly your RPAS in
                                       uncontrolled airspace                                  controlled airspace with
                                        (no air traffic control)                             air traffic control approval

          An individual flying an RPAS without an appropriate
          certificate may result in fines of $1,000, while
          corporations may be fined $5,000.

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