Page 16 - Reaching-New-Heights-magazine-2019
P. 16

Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. has taken the
                                                                            former Canadian Forces Base (CFB) in Portage
                                                                            la Prairie to new heights, and the future looks
                                                                            Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. (Southport) be-
                                                                            gan as a Canadian Forces Base that was poised
                                                                            for shutdown in the late 1980s. When the sur-
                                                                            rounding community discovered the news of the
                                                                            impending shutdown, they rallied as a committee
                                                                            to “Save the Base.” They successfully lobbied the
                                                                            government, spurring the creation of Southport to
                                                                            keep military flight training in the area.

                                                                            “Since 1992, Southport has operated as a not-
                                                                            for-profit corporation and as such, Southport
                                                                            reinvests all of its profits back into our airport
                                                                            and site allowing us to continually modernize and
                                                                            upgrade” said CEO, Peggy May.

                                                                             Training for Royal Canadian Air Force pilots con-
                                                                              tinues to be conducted on site, ensuring the
                                                                                rich military history of Southport will remain
                                                                                 prevalent into the future.

                                                                                  Each morning, over 600 people arrive
                                                                                  on site, ready to start their day at one of
                                                                                  the dozen businesses located in South-
                                                                                  port which include health administration,
                                                                                 education and training, manufacturing,
                                                                                 addictions counselling, and childcare and
                                                                                support services for the military flight training

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