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          out that Southport has many housing units, commercial
          businesses and amenities such as a daycare, golf course   Peter Sharkey, the Facilities Coordinator, knows first-hand how
                                                                 daunting the task of managing customer requests can be. He
 Facilities Department  and school, just like any other town. “Southport is responsible   has an in-depth knowledge of Southport’s secret weapon: the
                                                                 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
          for ensuring each of those people have water, electricity, the
          streets cleared, the grass cut and the sewer and trash dealt
          with,” Taylor explains. “We have to be responsible to ensure   I’m proud to see how the site
          we make decisions that ensure the stable supply of all these
          items both today and for years to come.”                      has physically transformed into
                                                                        a thriving community where
          Of course, as any municipal employee could tell you,
          operating a town is comprised of both exciting large-scale    people come to work, live and
 t’s an analogy as old as time: in order for a machine to   a Transport Canada Certified 24/7 public use airport. With   projects balanced with the more   play.
 function as a whole, the many parts must each fill their role.   such an immense property, one would easily imagine  a
 While each part has a different purpose, they must all work   much larger team of staff dedicated to
 together.   maintenance and improvements.                           “[It’s] revolutionized how customers submit maintenance
                                                                       requests and how technicians carry out and document
 In real life, organizations and departments are made up of   Though Southport’s team is   their work,” Sharkey explains.
 people, not parts. Though employees are more multi-faceted   not large, they manage the               Customers,
 than single-function parts, the analogy can still be applied to                                       both
 the Facilities Department at Southport.                                                               residential
                                                                                                     and commercial
 As with any property management company, facilities                                                alike, are
 maintenance and development plays a major role. Without                                          able to request
 facilities to lease, Southport would cease to be a property                                    maintenance and
 management company.
                                                                                               receive an email
 The Facilities Department ensures all buildings remain in                                   notification of the
 good condition through regular preventative maintenance                                   scheduled date of work and
 and responding to specific customer requests. In addition,   complicated            when the request is completed.
 the department also manages new development and   tasks as a well-oiled   The system also allows for incoming requests to receive
 capital renovation on Southport’s site infrastructure,   machine. The department   a priority rating, much like patients being triaged in the
 airport and buildings.  consists of the planning and            emergency room of a hospital. Just as a heart attack in a
 administrative staff and the team of                            hospital receives priority over a sprained ankle, a burst pipe at
 We’re realizing the full potential   maintenance technicians. Overseeing   routine   Southport would get priority over a squeaky door hinge.
 of Southport by maintaining   the facilities department is the Director of   tasks.   The last benefit of the CMMS is that it allows for hours worked
 Operations, Peter Harrison. Harrison is the
 existing assets and planning new   authority for carrying out the strategic direction of Southport   Teresa   to be tracked, helping the department to always aim for
                                                Reichert, the
 capital construction.  as set out by the Board of Directors.  Operations   maximum efficiency.

 “We’re realizing the full potential of Southport by maintaining   Administrative   Implementing CMMS isn’t the only innovation that Southport
 The importance of the Facilities Department can also be seen   existing assets and planning new capital construction,”   Assistant at   has had in recent years. Sharkey also points out that
 in sheer numbers: this department comprises nearly half of all   explains Harrison. “As a not-for-profit company, every dollar   Southport, notes how   Southport has taken a bold step by endeavoring into more
 full-time employees at Southport. Despite making up the near   we make is reinvested back into our site infrastructure and   diversified the work of the department   capital projects and hiring more technicians.
 majority of employees, the department isn’t large. Just nine   airport.” Harrison is also responsible for the operation of   is. “The size and nature of the work is vast,” she says, giving
 full-time employees plus a seasonal student worker are on the   other departments that use the facilities, including Property   the example of the multi-million dollar renovation of the Central   This new direction has created more opportunities for
 payroll.  Management and Recreation.  Plains RecPlex compared to the day-to-day task of fixing a   projects on site. A recent accomplishment of the department
          clogged toilet in a residential unit.                  is the renovation of Mynarski House, one of Southport’s
 This statistic becomes noteworthy when taking into account   Managing the day-to-day operations and new projects is   accommodations buildings. The individual rooms and suites
 the considerable size of the Southport site. The 607 hectare   Bryce Taylor. As the Manager, Facilities he is responsible for   For a company like Southport, it’s always a balancing act   received a complete renewal with brand new bathrooms, fresh
 site includes more than a dozen commercial buildings, 188   seeing projects to completion, whether they are big or small.    of taking on new projects and completing scheduled and   paint and updated flooring.  The common kitchens on each floor
 residential units, a multi-million dollar recreation facility and   Taylor says his job is exactly like running a town. He points   customer maintenance requests.   [ continued on page 22 ]

 20 | Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                           Southport: Reaching New Heights | 21
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