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Smooth Move!

                                 Make your move to Southport easier with these packing tips.

                                 Thinking about moving to Southport?  Visit our website:

               Sort through long-forgotten items to donate or throw out.   Buy a pack of coloured stickers or rolls of coloured tape
               If you haven’t used it in over a year and it doesn’t have a   and designate one for each room, such green for living
               special purpose (such as keepsakes or seasonal items)   room and red for bedroom. This will save you labeling each
        get rid of it. It will ensure less boxes to move.             box and will make it easier to sort boxes at your new place.

              For any items that
              need to be taken
              apart, collect small
        pieces like screws in a                                                                 Keep clothes
                                                                                                 on hangers.
        plastic sandwich bag and                                                                 Pull a large
        tape to the item.
                                                                                               plastic bag over the bottom
                                                                                                      of the clothes  and tie
                                                                                                        around  the top.

                   Use items with
                   storage to                                                                      Pack a bag
                   carry smaller                                                                with essentials,
                   items – tape                                                                   like toiletries
        drawers shut for transport.                                                              and a change of clothes.
                                                                                               You’ll have them accessible
                                                                                                 without digging in boxes.

                 Before you disassemble items with       Use clean clothing to pack  break-  For bottles of liquid (soap,
                   a complex set-up (like your TV and    able kitchen items. It saves  on   cleaning supplies, toiletries etc.)
                   cable box) take a picture to use as   costs on bubble wrap and  moves   put a layer of plastic wrap  under-
                 reference when you set it up again.     clothes at the same time.        neath the lid to avoid leaks.

                                                 Southport is excited to introduce a fresh new rental property development, Centennaire South!
                                                   Centennaire South offers the best of new home construction and quality finishings in a safe,
                                                     peaceful country setting just minutes away from all the conveniences of Portage la Prairie.
                                                                     For more information and to view floorplans visit

                                                  quality finishes  |  attached garage  |  on site security  |  new energy efficient appliances  |  pet friendly
                                                                                                                                      Proud Marketing Partner of

                                                    Love where you Live                                                               Southport Aerospace Centre Inc.
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