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View our electronic magazine online
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and click on any of the buildings to
          The Southport community remains a mystery                   BARKER BUILDING             MYNARSKI HOUSE               FLIGHTLINE BUILDING       CENTRAL PLAINS RECPLEX                       see the 360 degree view, or simply
          to many. Is it an airport? Is it a military base?                                                                                                                                           go to Google Maps and you’ll see
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pictures, a street view and the 360
          Is it a town?                                                                                                                                                                               degree tours.

          Southport’s diversified tenant base (see website for a complete
          list of tenants) is a testament to the leading edge activities taking
          place on site, and as technology continues to change the world
          we live in, Southport will evolve with it!

          Take a look around the community using the 360 degree tours.
          The only thing better than a virtual tour is seeing the site yourself.
          Contact us if you want a tour!
                                                                                                                                                                                                  We’re here when

                                                                                                                                                                                                      you’re ready.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Call 1-855-662-6605
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Manitoba Addictions Helpline

                                                                    The Barker Building features   Visitors at Southport       The Flightline Building is   Central Plains RecPlex                   Your central source for adult addiction services.
                                                                    52 spacious suites. Each     and students attending        situated on the airfield with   features fitness and
                                                                    has separate living, dining   educational programs on      direct flightline access. This   recreation facilities to help              River Point Centre (drop-in)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               146 Magnus Ave
                                                                    and kitchen area, a private   site are welcome to enjoy    building features over 1500   you and your family have                         Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                                    bedroom with a double bed,   the comfortable, affordable   square meters of space      fun, get fit and be healthy.                 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday
                                                                    full bathroom, televisions,   accommodations available     ideal for companies seeking   Monthly and annual
                                                                    internet access and          in the recently renovated     that airside corporate      memberships are available
                                                                    storage area. The building   Mynarski House.               address.                    for adults, families,                    
                                                                    itself boasts parking with   Each room features            There is vacant land beside   students, seniors and
                                                                    electricity, and laundry     electronic card access,       the Flightline Building that   residents of Southport.
                                                                    facilities on each floor.    upgraded furniture, new       would be ideal for future

                                                                    As the rooms are suite-      private washrooms, flat       development.
                                                                    style, they are comfortable   screen TV, cable and wifi.
                                                                    for both short and longer

          For more information about our facilities and rental/lease options please contact us at 204-428-6030 or visit our website at
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