Page 18 - Reaching New Heights - volume 7 issue 1
P. 18


            Southport Gets Featured on CBC's
           STILL STANDING                                                                                                      TYPICAL HOTEL                                                                     NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED!

            The cast and crew of CBC’s heartwarming   Poem About Southport                                                     Offering a unique experience, more than
            show, Still Standing, made their way to   By: Jonny Harris, Still Standing                                         a standard hotel.
            Southport, Manitoba! As described by CBC,                                                 Check this out!
            Still Standing documents comedian, Jonny   This base had been closed & God only knows    Jonny Harris talks
            Harris’ cross-country adventures as he travels   how you saved it, but you did.         about Southport in
            “off the main highway to discover the hidden   And here’s the topper.                   Season 9 of CBC’s
            comedy  in  Canada’s  far-flung  small  towns.”   Instead of the end of a 40 year trend, you spent   Still Standing.
            Over the past 8 seasons, many Manitoba   another 40 years flying choppers, the higher you are,
            towns have been showcased on Still Standing   the smoother the air, that’s meteorogical kinetics.    Sign up now for a
            including Minto, Morden, and Pilot Mound to   The higher on my forehead, the less smooth it gets.  FREE Account on
            name a few. As a community, Southport was   It’s time for some Apex Aesthetics.         the CBC Gem App
            very excited to be one of the Manitoban towns   Planes have been grounded but now the flight’s on,   and laugh along with
            explored and celebrated in Still Standing’s 9    and the fight’s on with a mixed martial art.  this great episode.
                                                  If I have to get grounded and summarily pounded,

            During Southport’s episode, viewers learned   I hope it’s by a warrior with heart.
            about the history of Southport dating back   Here students become adults, these kids become
            to the 1950’s when the community  served   captains, warriors themselves learn to fly.
            as a site for the Royal Canadian Air Force   And on the map they’ll proudly show you
            (RCAF) Station Portage la Prairie all the way   Southport, Manitoba, where they learned in
            to 2022, when Southport  Aerospace Centre   a big Prairie sky.
            Inc. celebrated its 30  anniversary as a non-
            profit,  non-share  property  management  and
            development  company. The episode features
            interviews between Harris and members of
            Southport’s diverse business community
            including  KF Aerospace  &  3CFFTS, Apex                                                                                                                     WHY CHOOSE BARKER?
            Aesthetic, Jiu-jitsu Club, and overall history
            of the community.
                                                                                                                                                                         Spacious Living Area

                                                                                                                                                                         Large Kitchen & Dining Area

                                Jonny Harris
                                Host of CBC’s                                                                                                                            Clean & Modern
                                Still Standing
                                                                                                                                                                         Laundry Facilities on Each Floor

                                                                                                                                                                         Common Area & Meeting Rooms

                                                                                                                                                                         Exciting Nearby Amenities


                                                                                                                                                                         AND MORE!

                                                                                                                                                                         Scan the QR Code  to learn more and
     18  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                                                                                              to book your stay in Southport!       19  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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