Page 15 - Reaching New Heights - volume 7 issue 1
P. 15

 Improve   |   Impact   |   Investment                               Spotlight

 $2.4 million  Environment  FBO Services

 In 2019, Southport managed   Hangar 5 is a certified Climate   All  Hangar 5  customers  will
 a $2.4 million investment   H5  Smart building with minimal   Full Service Airport  be welcomed by the friendly   Location
 to diversify the operations   carbon emissions attributing   Southport Team. The facility
 and offerings at the airport,   In only 9 months, the   from  the  in-floor heating  and   Southport’s modern, public-  offers  anti-icing  services,  Located in the centre of Canada,
 contributing to the overall   13,600ft  was constructed   other unique building elements.  use airport (CYPG) has four (4)   lounge access, private pilot’s   guests and customers of CYPG
 economic development in the   on-time and on-budget   runways available 24-7 and a   office and direct access to a   have easy access to HWY
 region.  proving  the  effective  Transport Canada approved air   large apron for outdoor parking   1and is only a 1 hour drive to
 decision making project   traffic control tower.  when required.   Winnipeg, MB.
 management skills the                                               COLDSTREAM HELICOPTERS joined the  Southport
 professional  Southport
 team offers.                                                        community in the winter of 2023 and are valued as a successful
                                                                     and professional client.
                                                                     The expertise of the Coldstream team drives the company’s
                                                                     success. They prioritize innovation in their work to tackle
                                                                     complex helicopter challenges and offer end-to-end services
                                                                     backed by experienced management who are committed to
                                                                     customer satisfaction.

                                                                     The  Coldstream  Helicopters  management  team  has  over  75
                                                                     years of industry experience which helps ensure services are
                                                                     delivered on time and on budget. Pilots, averaging 9,000 hours
                                                                     of flying experience, undergo rigorous training for safety and
                                                                     standards. Maintenance is crucial, and our engineers receive
                                                                     comprehensive training to ensure safe operations.
                                                                     SERVICES OFFERED

                                                                     •  International Services     •  Orchard Protection
                                                                     •  Aircraft Maintenance       •  Emergency Services
                                                                     •  Oil & Gas Support Air Services  •  Heli-Skiing & Tourism

                                                                     •  Movies, Sports Film & TV   •  Aerial Construction

                                                                                  Scan the QR Code for more information
                                                                                  including:  3D virtual  tour,  on-site
                                                                                  accommodations, and booking  and
                                                                                  leasing opportunities!

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