Page 10 - Reaching New Heights - volume 7 issue 1
P. 10


                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Transition of

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Training at Southport

                                                                                                                                             The implementation of the Future Aircrew Training Contract (or, simply “FAcT”) at Southport is well on its way
                                                                                                                                            to actualization in the coming years. This Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) flight training contract is planned to
                                                                                                                                               replace the existing Contracted Flying Training and Support (CFTS) contract that is set to expire in 2027.

                                                                                                                                                With just three short years until contract commencement, Southport anticipates a significant transition
                                                                                                                                                      phase to be unfolded in the coming years. Stay tuned for the following developments:

                                                                                                                                              NEW                                                   NEW


                                                                                                                                       The FAcT Contract has                                   Primarily, the new
                                                                                                                                        distinct requirements                                contract will introduce
                                                                                                                                      compared to the current                                new faces to Southport
                                marks 100 years of service for the Royal Canadian Air                                                    program which will                                     spanning across
                                Force (RCAF) as a distinct military element.                                                           likely require additional                             program setup, support
                                                                                                                                      spaces, the construction                                 and administrative
                                                                                                                                         of new buildings,                                    services, instruction,
       The RCAF was formed on  April 1, 1924.     The Base, which was part of the British                                               and new equipment            Modern training            and amongst the          Even amidst change,
       It had three components – a full-time permanent   Commonwealth Air  Training  Plan,  became                                        installations at
       force (regular force), a part-time non-permanent   inactive after the Second World War.                                                                      measures require             student body.             the essence of
       force (air reserve), and a reserve of non-active                                                                                    the Southport            modern simulation                                     Southport remains
       personnel.                            The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) expanded                                                 Airport (CYPG).          and aircraft solutions                                 the same: you can
                                             and RCAF Station Portage La Prairie was   In 1992, Southport focused on aviation                                     – expect a new fleet of                               expect the same level
       No non-permanent units were created at that   reactivated in 1952, establishing No. 2 Advanced   training because of the initial Canadian                  simulators and aircraft                                 of professionalism
       time as the funding was not available.  The   Flying School (No. 2 AFS) to train RCAF and   Forces  contract  with  Bombardier  for  a
       RCAF was not an independent organization as   NATO pilots. The station was renamed Canadian   multi-year  military  flight-training  program.               at Southport for the                                  and service that the
       it reported to the Chief of the General Staff, the   Forces Base (CFB) Portage la Prairie in 1966   Then  in  2005,  the  training  focus  continued        upcoming contract;                                   community has come
       head of the Canadian Militia (the name of the   and employed 800-900 military and civilian   when Southport entered a new training contract                 some of which may                                    to expect of Southport
       Canadian  Army at the time).  The RCAF was   personnel while operating as a military air   with Allied Wings for 20 years.                                   be visiting the site                                 and the local RCAF
       now a full-time organization with its own orders:   base.  Then  in 1988, the Federal  Government                                                            over the course of                                    training program.
       the King’s Regulations and Orders for the Royal   announced it’s closure because of budget cuts   The RCAF holds incredible importance for
       Canadian Air Force and the Pay and Allowance   in the Department of National Defence (DND).   Southport, as both an organization and a site.                 the coming years.
       Regulations for the Royal Canadian Air Force.                              Without the RCAF, Southport as it stands today
       Although its role did include the defence of   In 1990, the Government  announced  that     would not exist.  Their strong and consistent
       Canada, this role would take a back seat to flying   CFB Portage la Prairie  would be  an  ideal   presence in Southport continues with 3
       operations performed for other government   site  for  flight  training  to  continue  after   Canadian  Forces  Training School  (3CFFTS),
       departments.                          privatization.  The corporation would be   dedicated to training military students in the
                                             called Southport  Aerospace Centre Inc.     community. Here's to a century of excellence
       RCAF Expands to Southport             and operate with a Board membership     and service!                                                  Southport Aerospace Centre and KF Aerospace (part of the SkyAlyne team for the FAcT contract)
       Southport was originally opened in 1940 as No.   formed of a mix of provincial, community and
       14 Elementary Flying Training School.   business leaders.                                                                                  will continue to support the RCAF and the Portage la Prairie region with careers, economic impact,
     10  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights10  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                                           and a contribution to the fabric of this community for many years to come!
                                                                                                                                                                                                               11  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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