Page 21 - Reaching New Heights - volume 7 issue 1
P. 21

GROUNDED IN ITS CORE VALUES, Southport is dedicated to pioneering leadership and fostering growth
 opportunities for both its customers and the community. By prioritizing carbon avoidance and spearheading
 green initiatives, such as the LEED certified new administrative building, the organization not only aims to
 decrease emissions across its site but also contributes to Southport's Climate Smart Certification, thereby
 demonstrating its unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


 • Construction of a solar farm.
 • Explore the use of carbon offsets.

 • Building heating system retrofits – gas to ground source heat pump.
 • New technology (hydrogen vehicles) alternative aircraft fuel.

 • New FACT Contract commences.
 2026  • Residential now emission free.
 • Installation of district
 geothermal system.
 • FACT construction – up to 5 new buildings!
 • Building monitoring and modeling.

 • New Southport Office Building –
 LEED Silver certified.
 2023  • ASHRAE level 2 energy audits

 • Two Fleet EVs and    on five Commercial buildings.
 Chargers; Environmental   • Fleet Greening Strategy.  Located in the centre of Manitoba, only   Centennaire South  Residential Homes
 Policy; Sustainable    a short 60-minute drive from Winnipeg,
 Procurement in Tenders.  Manitoba's  capital,  Southport  offers   Southport is excited to introduce   The main residential area includes 188
 2022  residents  a  quiet  neighbourhood  with   Centennaire South - a fresh, new rental   of the properties, ranging  from two to
 • Installed two level 2, dual port EV charging stations on-site.  greenspaces and playgrounds just 3   opportunity with  modern details and   four bedrooms. These units are updated
 • Centennaire South Builds Certified with Efficiency Manitoba.  kilometers from the city of Portage la   high-quality  finishes!  Each  spacious,   duplex style housing which are ideal for
 • Purchased hybrid fleet truck.  Prairie.   open-concept  unit is pet-friendly and   families as they are pet-friendly with
                                             features a deck in the backyard with an   large yards and detached garages.
 2021  Southport provides many recreation    attached 2-car garage with a mudroom!
 • Design Guidelines for Southport Aerospace   opportunities for residents to enjoy year-
 Centre was created.  round at Central Plains RecPlex with a
     fitness  centre,  indoor  track,  full-sized   “There are so many things we love about living in our new home in
     gymnasium, and bowling alley.           Southport. It’s safe, there are wonderful walking paths, our unit is super
 2020  During the warmer months, residents   quiet and we love the layout. The attached double garage and ensuite

 • Hangar 4 received a lighting upgrade (247 fixtures).  can  explore  the  site  walking  paths,   are so nice to have as well.”
 • Gas golf carts replaced with electric golf carts.  play  on  the  soccer  field,  tennis  courts,   - Centennaire South Resident
 • Residential Furnace replacement program began.  baseball diamonds, outdoor track, or
     visit  Southport  Golf  Club!  The  9-hole
     golf course is situated in a picturesque
 2019  country setting at the end of Southport's

 • Climate Smart Certified – First business in Manitoba.  airfield  and  features  the  only  driving
     range in the region.
 • Carbon Avoidance Design – Centennaire South
 and Hangar 5 (100% electric).
     Southport has more than 200 rental                                  Scan the QR Code for more information including:
     properties. It is truly an enviable                                 3D virtual tours, rates, and residential perks!
     residential  option  if  you’re  looking  for
     a  peaceful  place  to  live  with  stunning
     landscape views, indoor and outdoor
     recreation, and quick access to city
 20  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights  FUTURE VISION & OPPORTUNITIES  amenities.   21  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
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