Page 30 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 30

The Southport
                        THE                                                                   Endowment Fund

                                                                                              was established
            CIRCLE OF                                                                               in 2015


          Giving is often seen as a one-way process, from sender to   donated their share of the profits, totaling $13,500, back
          receiver. But Southport’s relationship with the Community   to CFPD for the Southport Endowment Fund. Another
          Foundation of Portage and District (CFPD), can be better   fundraising golf tournament is planned for 2017. The
          represented as a circle of giving, instead of a linear process.  Southport Endowment Fund is one of the undesignated

          To understand this unique relationship, it is important to   funds with CFPD, and will offer grants for a wide variety of
          have some background information about CFPD and how     projects in the community.
          they operate. CFPD is a community foundation established   In addition to raising funds, Southport also sponsors regular
          in 1994 that facilitates the funding of local charitable non-  vignette advertisements, each with a story about CFPD’s
          profit organizations, projects and scholarships through   activities. These vignettes allow CFPD to become more
          the granting process. As a foundation, CFPD places      visible in the community and increase awareness of the
          contributions into a permanent fund rather than distributing   grants they offer, as well as enhance Southport’s brand.
          them. Only the interest on the fund is awarded as a grant,   Southport recently applied for a grant from the Canada 150
          ensuring that there will always be more funding available in   Fund through CFPD and was awarded a grant in partnership
          the future from the foundation.                         with the RM of Portage la Prairie. The grant will be used to

          Grant applicants are reviewed by CFPD and awarded       help fund a community barbecue in August that celebrates
          money to fund their projects based on a careful qualification   both Canada’s 150th and Southport’s 25th Anniversary.
          process. To qualify, the applicant must promote or provide   Through this partnership, CFPD and Southport’s are able
          social services, arts and culture, education, fitness and   to augment each other’s resources for the benefit of the
          health, environmental care, or community activities, as well   communities of Portage la Prairie and Southport. As both
          as meet other criteria.                                 organizations are community-minded, this partnership is a
          The building blocks of Southport’s partnership with CFPD   good fit that will continue to evolve as both organizations
          were laid in 2014, when Lou Antonissen, then Board      grow.
          Chair of CFPD, approached Southport with the idea of
          establishing the Southport Endowment Fund. This idea was                    204-856-1971
          realized in 2015, when Southport
          hosted a golf tournament with
          all proceeds going to CFPD. The
          Southport Endowment Fund was
          formed with a $5,000 donation. In
          2016, Southport partnered with
          CFPD, along with other community
          partners, to bring the RCMP
          Musical Ride to Portage la Prairie.
          The event was very successful and
          drew in over $39,000. Southport

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