Page 27 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 27

to the success of the initial location, they expanded   Theresa, one of the trainees that VOI supports,
              to another in the International Peace Gardens. The    works at the food kiosk two days a week. “I love
              new Central Plains RecPlex location uses the same     to work, and I enjoy friendly visits with customers,”
              business model established at the other locations.    says Theresa. Some of her tasks include doing prep
              The food kiosk allows VOI to challenge attitudinal    work, washing dishes and using the cash register.
              barriers surrounding the way employers evaluate       Theresa admits this last task can be challenging,
              people  with  intellectual  disabilities  as  potential   but in a good way. “Working the cash register is a
              employees  while  also promoting  the abilities  and   new experience, and doing new jobs is a learning
              talents of the people they support.                   experience,” she says. “It gives me a chance to
                                                                    think about math.” She also notes that the overall
                                                                    experience has been very positive, as her co-
                                                                    workers are very encouraging.

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