Page 28 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 28

The Evolution of Airport

        Technologies Inc.

                                                                                        Check out more of ATI’s massive
                                                                                        machinery. Click here in our
                                                                                        online edition at

          Raging blizzards are not generally thought of as “good for   Of course, airports are equipped with more than a plastic
          business.” Highways close, customers stay home instead   shovel to tackle the numerous runways and taxiways
          of shopping, and high winds and ice can cause damage to   required for an airport. Thanks to ATI, these airports can
          property. However, if snowstorms ceased to exist, Airport   arm themselves with a “Snow Mauler” Plow or “Snow Wolf”
          Technologies Inc. (ATI) would be out of work. For ATI, snow   Blower to combat the blizzards that are all too common in
          is good for business because they produce equipment for   North America. The Snow Wolf, for example, has a capacity
          airport snow clearing.                                  of 7,500 tons of snow per hour, far beyond what one person
                                                                  with a shovel can manage.
          As many of us know all too well, snow clearing can be
          a time consuming and arduous task. The average North    While ATI is not the only company to carry airport snow
          American complains bitterly while clearing a sidewalk or   clearing equipment, they do offer a unique product:
          driveways; imagine the Herculean task of clearing mounds   refurbished machines. These refurbished, or “Relife,”
          of snow off a busy airport like Chicago O’Hare.         machines offer a significant advantage to the customer:
                                                                  a Relife machine typically costs between $40,000 and
             The Snow Wolf 1050, the largest wheeled snow blower    $100,000 less, without sacrificing the expected lifespan of
             manufactured in North America                        the machine.

                                                                  Now in their 16th year, ATI mostly produces their own
                                                                  designs, in addition to refurbishing Relife machines.

                                                                  Being a tenant at Southport offers ATI several benefits.
                                                                  Firstly, ATI has a good relationship with those responsible
                                                                  for maintaining the runways, taxiways and aprons at the
                                                                  Southport Airport. ATI’s equipment is used to perform these
                                                                  tasks. In addition, having the airport so close makes it
                                                                  convenient to test products in real-life situation.

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