Page 20 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 20

                                                                                            with the CEOs of

                                                                                               Southern Health-Santé Sud

                                  Kathy McPhail, Outgoing CEO

        How long have you worked for
        Southern Health-Santé Sud?
        I started with Regional Health Authority
        – Central Manitoba Inc. in March, 2007.
        Southern Health-Santé Sud was formed five
        years ago, so I have been in this role as CEO a
        total of 10 years.
        How many different jobs did you have
        before joining Southern Health-Santé
        Just prior to accepting the CEO position I
        was the Vice President of Acute Care and
        Diagnostic Service in Brandon, MB. Prior to
        that job I was Liaison for Manitoba Health
        for the southwest corner of Manitoba. I am
        a nurse by training (graduated in 1972) and I
        worked in various bedside, administrative and
        nursing leadership positions in Dauphin, Ste.
        Rose and locations in Saskatchewan. I was
        the youngest graduate in my nursing class at
        the Grace Hospital School of Nursing. I have also been active on the College of Registered   I was also very proud that we were able
        Nurses of Manitoba Board of Directors and served as Vice President at one point.   to balance our budget for 9 successive
        What were some of the challenges of being CEO of such a large region?       years.
        The geography of the region was a challenge. One of my core values was staying   Do you have any big plans for
        connected with the staff and the people we serve. We created an organizational structure   retirement?
        to keep a regional presence closer to staff. We want the people to feel connected.   During my retirement, I plan to travel
        It was a positive challenge to grow programs with the growing population.   and spend time with my family and
        Some other challenges include fiscal, balancing needs with resources, being cognitive   grandchildren.
        that it is tax payers dollars being spent and other realities I learned is the influence of the   What did you enjoy most having
        political in healthcare. And of course the biggest challenge is the constant changes ... new   your office at Southport?
        technologies, new ways of doing things, implementing better ways etc.       I enjoyed the rural, small town and warm
        What did you enjoy most about your job?                                     feeling you have out here. My window
        The best part of my job was building partnerships with the communities, individuals and   looked out onto the runway and I loved
        staff. I wanted to make a difference and I hope we made a difference together. A career   watching the planes and helicopters take
        highlight was building partnerships with Indigenous communities to accomplish and   off and land. It was a place to find calm
        achieve projects together. We worked to build the Aboriginal workforce and remove the   and to center my thoughts.
        jurisdictional lines for services.

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