Page 18 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 18

UAVs and Drones

         Facts & Tips

                                                                               TIPS FOR RECREATIONAL

          To use a drone or UAV commercially                                   DRONE USERS
          the operator requires an SFOC
          (Special Flight Operations Certicate)                                •   Fly your drone during daylight and in
          or an Exemption, and associated UAV                  4,300              good  weather.
          liability insurance.                          2,480                   •   Keep your drone where you can see it
                                                 1,672                            with your own eyes – not through an
          SFOCs issued by Transport Canada                                        on-board camera, monitor or
          are on the rise and exceeded 4,300 in   2014          2015       2016   smartphone.
                                                     Special Flight
          2016, up from 2,480 in 2015 and         Operation Certificates         •   Make sure your drone is safe for ight
          1,672 in 2014.                       Issued by Transport Canada
                                                                                  before take-o.  Ask yourself, for example:
                                                                                  Are the batteries fully charged? Is it too
                                                                                  cold to y?
                                      Transport Canada launched a record
                                      118 investigations into the illegal use of   •   Respect the privacy of others. Avoid ying
                    118               drones in Canada in 2016!                   over private property or taking photos or
                                                                                  videos without permission.
                                                                                •   Avoid ‘NO FLY ZONES’ as outllined in the
                                                                                  new regulations oulined by Transport

                                       The key new rules (March 2017) are that
                                       recreational drone operators must mark their
                                       drone with their contact information, and
                                       may not y:
                                         •  higher than 90 metres;
                                         •  at night;
                                         •  within 75 metres of buildings, vehicles or
                                         people; or
                                         •  within 9 km’s of the centre of any airport,   Flying for fun? Check out the facts in the
                                         heliport, aerodrome or water aerodrome   Transport Canada infographic linked in
                                         where aircraft take o and land.       our online edition at

          The Consequences:
               •  Any recreational operator who fails to comply with the new restrictions could be subject to
               nes of up to $3,000.
               •  If you y a UAV without an SFOC and should have one, you may be ned up to $5,000 for a
               person and $25,000 for a corporation.
               •  If you do not follow the requirements of your SFOC, you can be ned up to $3,000 for a person
               and $15,000 for a corporation.

         Vancouver Sun:; Flitelab:; Transport
         Canada: ada/news/2017/03/new_safety_rulesforrecreationaldroneusetakeimmediateeect.html ; Vistek: https://prophotoblog.-

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