Page 19 - Reaching New Heights - Vol 6
P. 19



 EACH AND EVERYONE OF US.”  a piece of the puzzle

                 When you live in Centennaire South you’ll be part of a small, tight knit community just 5 minutes
                 from Portage la Prairie. Our newly-built houses offer the best of safe, peaceful country living with
                easy access to the conveniences of city life. Each spacious, open-concept unit is pet-friendly and
                         features a deck in the backyard and an attached 2-car garage with a mudroom.

                                              Deck access off your main living area, as well as
                                             nearby walking paths, playground and greenspace.
                   management team to provide                                             community, but the quick access
                      with any questions you have.
                                                OUTDOOR SPACE

                                                                                            Living here, enjoy the quiet
 A Sense of Presence & Inclusion  on-site  to  help MANAGEMENT                           COMMUNITY       lifestyle

 WELCOMED IN SOUTHPORT  is  an  and                                                                      a  a
               There  access                                                                                 town
                 easy                                                                                      centre.
 Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. would like to acknowledge that   The picturesque Four Winds Cultural Centre is located in Southport’s
 Southport  is  located  in  Treaty  1  Territory  and  the  lands  are  the   Interpretive Park where a 30-foot teepee stands tall and proud. Along
 Traditional  territory  of  the  Anishinaabe,  Cree,  Ojibway,  Dakota,   with the teepee, the centre includes a Sweat Lodge and, through
 Lakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.   a grant from Co-op Community Spaces, a large Community Picnic
 Southport Aerospace Centre Inc., its Board of Directors and
 staff, respect the Treaties that were made on these territories and   Shelter.  On-site                    Southport  community.
 acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past. As an organization,   The Four Winds Cultural Centre is available for use by the general   with
 Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. dedicates itself to move forward in                                       and
 partnership with Indigenous communities and commits to a spirit of   public, organizations, advocacy groups, schools, and businesses in   problems  Bowl  in  this
 Reconciliation and collaboration for the future.   order to celebrate, respect, and understand Indigenous culture.   that  MAINTENANCE  RECREATION  out
 Southport looks forward to fostering ongoing and future
 collaborations and relationships with local Indigenous businesses
 OVER  the course of many years, Portage la Prairie and the   is available to assist you  Central Plains RecPlex, Southport
 and communities. The team at Southport Aerospace Centre Inc.,   may come up in your unit.   Golf Club are places to check
 surrounding Indigenous communities have recognized that there
 along with its Board of Directors, is proud that the Four Winds
 is a need for space for representation and inclusion. In June 2021,
 Cultural Centre is a space where rich Indigenous culture, heritage,
 Southport announced they would meet this need and unveiled the   AMENITIES
 and beauty can be acknowledged and celebrated for years to come.
 plans for a space where community members and visitors could
                                           Your unit includes two car garage with driveway, in-unit
 learn about Indigenous culture and host cultural celebrations.  laundry, appliances, en-suite bathroom and walk-in closet.

 On September 30, 2021, marking the commemoration of the
 inaugural National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, Southport was
 honoured to officially introduce and welcome the community to the
                         For more information or to book a showing of a unit, contact us at:
                                                                                     19  |  Southport: Reaching New Heights
                        Phone 204.428.6030  Email
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