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Curtis Tarr
 Wayne Marks                   Coordinator, Facility Maintenance
 Technician, Facility Maintenance  Deanna Talbot  2 years            Renata Buhler
 9 years  Director, Business Development                        Specialist, Communications
                   4 years                                              2 years
                                                      Mark Austin
 Drew Meady   Dean Rennie  Curtis Calvert  Peter Sharkey  Assistant Manager,         Brad Gannon          Dorothy Young
 Apprentice, Facility Maintenance  Assistant Manager, Properties  Manager, Properties  Coordinator, Facilities  Recreation Development  Technician, Facility Maintenance  Accountant
 >1 year  3 years  7 years    8 years                   1 year                         >1 year               2 years

                                                                                                       Michaela Mackenzie
                                                                                                             7 years

                                                                                                           Bryce Taylor
                                                                                                        Manager, Facilities
                                                                                                             3 years


 The difference between success and failure   This team amazes me every day and looking back at my five years
 is a great team, and the Southport Team, led   here we have a lot to celebrate. Vince Lombardi said, ‘Individual
 by Peggy May, CEO, are working together
 to operate more than just an airport.   commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work, a
 Southport is a fully functioning community   company work, a society work, a civilization work.’
 with both business and residential tenants,                                                                       ~ Peggy May, CEO
 a golf course, recreation facility, educational

 campuses AND it’s the home of the   Teresa Reichert  Janelle Wojtowicz  Peggy May
 Administrative Assistant, Operations  Assistant Manager,    CEO
 Canadian Forces Flight Training School,   26 years  Recreation Operations  5 years
 training 80% of the Royal Canadian Air   1.5 years  Ted Vandenberg  Peter Harrison
   Chief Financial Officer           Director, Operations
 Force pilots.   24 years                 >1 year

 Meet the Southport Team, a group of
 Brian Filder  Floyd St. Goddard            Nelson Little               Wade Linden
 talented, energetic and friendly people.  Not pictured:  Chief Engineer  Technician, Facility Maintenance  Technician, Facility Maintenance  Special Projects Advisor
 7 years        >1 year                       >1 year                     16 years
 26 | Southport: Reaching New Heights                                                           Southport: Reaching New Heights | 27
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