Page 3 - Reaching New Heights - Volume 5
P. 3

4     The Economic Impact of Southport         LETTER FROM THE CEO
                   5     Driving Change - Southport Golf Club
                                                                  What a year it has been!
                   6     Suite Dreams                             Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Southport has
                                                                  adhered to the orders set out by the Province of Manitoba and
                                                                  Public Health Officials. Southport’s highest priority is the health
                   9     Taking Action - Climate Smart Certified   and safety of its employees, customers, and tenants.

                   10  MEET THE TEAM                              As the province continues to reopen, we have welcomed back staff
                                                                  and members to the Central Plains RecPlex. Though the facility is
                                                                  open at a reduced capacity, we look forward to the future and are
                                                                  happy to be able to offer our recreation services once again.
                                                                  In recent months, Southport’s COVID-19 Corporate Social
                                                                  Responsibility Response Team was created to help
                                                                  businesses in the Central Plains region. Southport remains
                                                                  committed to dedicating 1% of its annual revenue to corporate
                                                                  social responsibility.
                                                                  At Southport, we continue to stimulate economic development
                                                                  and serve as an influential economic driver within our region.
                                                                  Read more about our impact on page 4.
                                                                  In January 2020, we celebrated the grand opening of our new
                                                                  13,600 ft hangar. Since its opening, the hangar has housed
                                                                  numerous tenants and was even used as a filming location for the
                                                                  Hallmark film, ‘A Winter Getaway.’
                                                                  In March 2020, Southport assumed the operation of Southport
                                                                  Golf Club. The clubhouse has received an interior renovation,
                   11   Living & Leading Through a Pandemic       a brand new 2000 ft  all-season expansion and a large outdoor
                                                                  patio. Our residential development, Centennaire South, saw
                                                                  continued growth with the construction of two new, duplex rental
                   12    CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility     homes. We are continuing to expand this residential area with two
                                                                  more duplexes in 2021.
                   13    Welcome to / Bienvenue à Southport       We are pleased to announce that in 2021, an Indigenous Cultural
                                                                  Park will be constructed through collaborative efforts with the
                   14    The RecPlex - Fitness Outside the Box    Addictions Foundation of Manitoba. The Indigenous Cultural
                                                                  Park will be located in our Interpretive Park, which will also soon
                   16   Q&A: Red River College - Stevenson Campus  become home to a revitalized
                                                                  Musketeer aircraft.
                   18    Love Where You Live - Centennaire South  Our continued success
                                                                  despite a tough year is the
                                                                  result of our dedicated team
                   19    What Do They Have in Common?             of staff and management who
                           - Southport, Hollywood & Carbon Emissions  are always seeking innovative
                                                                  ideas to keep the site updated
                                                                  and running efficiently.
                                                                  Enjoy finding out about
                                                                  everything going on at
                                                                  Southport in the print
                                                                  and electronic editions of
                                                                  Reaching New Heights.
                                                                  Happy reading!

                                                                   Peggy May, CEO

                    While care has been taken and every attempt has been   CONTRIBUTING CREDITS  PUBLISHERS INFORMATION
                    made to present up-to-date and accurate information,   Janelle Hulme  Breanne Neudorf   Southport Aerospace Centre Inc.
                    we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur.   Bailey Smith  Christine Dubyts   25 Centennaire Drive
                    Southport will not be held responsible for any claim,   Colby Orchard  Deanna Talbot  Southport, Manitoba R0H 1N1
                    loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any
                    information within these pages or any information accessed
                    through the site. All other products, company names,   WANT MORE?               Wherever you see this
                    brand names, trademarks and logos are the property of                  +
                    their respective owners.                                                        symbol (+) you will find
                                                                        Check out the digital       video, pictures and more in
                                                                        edition at     our online digital edition.

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