Page 17 - Southport - Reaching New Heights - Summer 2017
P. 17

A portion of this increase is due to general steady growth in Southport-related businesses, but is considerably
                       affected by new tenants at Southport. In the last year, Southport opened the newly renovated Central Plains
                       RecPlex, along  with the addition of two new tenants: Sawmill Tea + Coffee Co. and Portage Day Care Centre.
                       These new additions to Southport contributed to the overall growth as well as creating new jobs.

                       Another difference in the new study was that it also examined the specific impact of military flight training at
                       Southport. The report found that a significant portion of Southport’s economic impact stems from the RCAF
                       program and its related services.



                 Million                                  570
                 in GDP                                   Total Jobs

                  $19                                     240
             Million in GDP          MISSION              Total Jobs
           (indirect impact)                              (indirect impact)  For example, 350 of 570 jobs at Southport
                                                                           are related to military flight training and its
                                                                           services. In addition, the program contributes
                                                                           $22 million in income, $48 million of GDP, and
                                                 $                         $70 million in economic output.

               $111                                       $33              While some might find the numbers

                 Million in                                                interesting, others night be curious of the
                 Economic                                  Million in      benefit of calculating the specific dollar
                   Output                                  Income          amount of economic impact.

                   $32                                    $12              “It all comes back to Southport’s Mission
                 Million in                               Million in Income  Statement,” says Peggy May, CEO of
           Economic Output                                (indirect impact)
            (indirect impact)                                              Southport, “Our mission is ‘to stimulate
                                                                           economic development in our region by
                                                                           realizing the full potential of Southport’s
                    Our mission is to stimulate
                  economic development in our               airspace, airport, and commercial and
              region by realizing the full potential                       residential properties for the benefit of the
                of Southport’s airspace, airport,                          communities we serve.’ An economic impact
                 and commercial and residential
                 properties for the benefit of the                          study is one tool to help us measure how well
                      communities we serve.                                we are achieving this mission.”

                                                                                                Southport: Reaching New Heights | 17
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